Summer in the City Sangria

Get excited, people.

Get excited, people.

In celebration of summer, I thought it only appropriate to share a truly fabulous sangria recipe that’s guaranteed to make your day supremely sunny. Even if it’s not. Like here in SF. Yesterday the wind was howling, the sun never broke through the fog, and it was probably just barely above 60 degrees. That’s our summer.

But I digress. We’re talking about sangria. Not just any old sangria, mind you, this is watermelon-strawberry sangria. Made from fresh from juicy watermelon and ripe strawberries. This is the good stuff, people. Guaranteed to brighten even the gloomiest of days.

The recipe is incredibly simple and, as Joy the Baker notes, as long as the concoction stays pink, you can pretty much use any combination of fruits you like. Pink is a requirement here. When I made this with my wonderful family over Father’s Day weekend (thanks for appreciating our pink concoction, Daddy!), we used watermelon, strawberry, orange and lime. So, that’s what I’ve noted in the recipe below. Continue reading