Power and Privilege in the Kingdom of God

Over the past few weeks, racial inequity and social justice have become powerful currents in our cultural conversation. It feels as though the country is galvanized to action, albeit in ways that at times are diametrically opposed to one another. And as a white woman, I’ve questioned how to appropriately use my voice during this time.

Mostly, I’ve tried to uplift the voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) individuals who have lived a very different reality from me. I’ve read and listened and continued to educate myself on the history of racial injustice in our country. I’ve had conversations with family and friends, but haven’t felt like I had something to add to the more public dialogue. And perhaps, I still don’t, but I do know God is calling me to share a bit of what I’ve been learning with the hope that it encourages others walking this path too.

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